Have you ever caught a snowflake on your tongue or seen one land on your mitten? You probably noticed that no two snowflakes look exactly the same.? Snowflakes are nature’s tiny masterpieces, and their journey from water droplet to sparkling crystal is a magical process. Let’s dive into the world of snowflakes and discover how they’re made! 

How Snowflakes Form: It Starts with Water

Snowflake creation begins in clouds, where tiny water droplets float around. As temperatures drop, these droplets freeze into ice crystals, often around 14 degrees Fahrenheit. These crystals stick to tiny particles like dust, which helps them form into snowflakes. 

Kids Question: What happens to other things like water or plants when they get really cold? 

The Science of Snowflake Shapes: Why Are Snowflakes Hexagonal?

As snow crystals grow, they take on the classic six-sided, or hexagonal, shape. This happens because water molecules naturally align in six-sided shapes when they freeze. This is why all snowflakes are hexagonal, even though no two look exactly alike! 

Kids Question: Imagine drawing your own snowflake! How would you make each of the six sides different? 

From Clouds to the Ground: The Journey of a Snowflake

When a snowflake becomes heavy enough, it starts to fall toward the ground. On its way down, the snowflake picks up more water droplets, melting and refreezing, causing the shape to change even more. This is why it’s impossible to find two identical snowflakes—each one goes on a special journey through the sky! 

Kids Question: If you could imagine a journey as a snowflake, what kind of path would you take? 

Why Do Snowflakes Have Patterns?

Each snowflake pattern is influenced by the temperature and humidity in the clouds. Higher humidity creates snowflakes with more branches, while lower humidity leads to simpler shapes. So, every snowflake’s pattern tells a story about the weather above! 

Kids Question: What other patterns do you notice in our environment?

Why Do We Study Snowflakes?

Snowflakes play an important role in understanding weather patterns, climate change, and even water resources. Snowflake scientists, called snow crystallographers, study snowflakes to understand more about how snow impacts the environment and helps provide water for plants, animals, and people. Each snowflake’s structure tells us something about the conditions in the atmosphere, like temperature and humidity. By studying snowflakes, scientists can see how weather changes from year to year. These studies are essential because snow in winter becomes water in spring, which supplies rivers, lakes, and groundwater for our communities. 

Snowflakes and Climate Change

Changes in snowflake formation can even help scientists see patterns related to climate change. For example, warmer winters can lead to fewer snowflakes and more rainfall. By studying snowflakes, scientists can understand how our climate is changing and what that might mean for the future. 

Kids Question: What other things do you think scientists study in nature to learn more about weather or climate? 

Kids Question: Why do you think it’s important to understand how the weather is changing? 

The next time you’re outside in a winter wonderland, try catching a snowflake and looking closely. You’ll be holding a tiny, natural work of art! Each snowflake you see has taken a special journey from the clouds, growing and changing along the way. Imagine, no two snowflakes are ever the same, making each one as unique as a fingerprint! 

To learn more about weather and water science, head over to the Museum of Natural Curiosity. The Water Works area teaches all about weather patterns, rainfall, and how rainwater and snowfall directly impact our Utah communities. Plus, you’ll have a blast getting curious and confident in science through hands-on, interactive play! 

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