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Youth and Teen Programs

Learn, create, grow, and thrive at Thanksgiving Point’s youth and teen programs! Our courses provide students with the opportunity to develop and practice skills that interest them outside of the classroom. These courses will help prepare students for the future and help strengthen their social and cognitive muscles.


GrowTech Kids

For Homeschool & After School Kids

This spring, watch your child become a scientist at GrowTech Kids. Located at Curiosity Farms, our 3-month immersive farm and garden STEM program will help your child develop real-world skills using real-world science equipment. From designing their own hydroponic garden to experimenting with soil chemistry, you’ll watch your child learn the scientific and technological skills they’ll need to grow food and more. Perfect for kids ages 8-12 who are becoming curious about the wide world of STEM. GrowTech Kids is a weekly, three-hour program.


Flower garden

Girls in Stem

New sessions in 2025

Join other young women in learning about the incredible opportunities in science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Our Girls in STEM programs are all about helping the kids in our community utilize their natural curiosity and encouraging their interests in STEM. Make new friends, strengthen your voice, and have some fun with hands-on, STEM-based activities! 

Learn More


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Expand their learning outside of the home! Join other homeschoolers for these interactive STEM-based classes, available for grades 1-6. Children will learn in a collaborative environment from trained educators in Thanksgiving Point venues and connect STEM to their at-home learning.

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Flower garden



The Thanksgiving Point Makerspace at the Museum of Natural Curiosity is a place where students explore their ability to create, invent, and innovate using a vast array of tools and materials.

We offer courses in-person for OpenEd (formerly My Tech High).

  • Makerspace Junior (Grade Level 4-5 or ages 9-10)
  • Makerspace Foundations (grade level 6-8 or ages 11-13)
  • Makerspace Advanced (grade level 9-12 or ages 14-18)

For more information on OpenEd visit

Flower garden

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