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Please join us for our Día de Muertos celebration. Community members have the opportunity to build large-scale (8-foot table) ofrenda for loved ones in the Show Barn. We invite traditional or contemporary ofrenda that explore death on a social, spiritual, cultural, and personal level. We love for the community to participate but we will have a limited number of spots available.


Ofrenda Regulations & Agreement

Event: October 26, 2024: 10 am-8 pm.

Set up: Set up dates and times are as follows: Friday, October 25 (morning or evening times available) or Saturday, October 26  from 8 am-9:30 am. If you need more time, please contact us for alternate times.

Clean up: Clean up will be allowed no earlier than 8:00 pm on Saturday, October 26th. Thanksgiving Point is not responsible for anything left in the building past Saturday night. Please bring your own garbage bags.

Amplified music/sound: Amplified sound is not allowed as there will be musicians and performers performing simultaneously.

Electricity: Thanksgiving Point will have limited ofrenda spaces with power. Please specify their power needs in the application. We will accommodate as best as we can.

Fire: Because this is an indoor venue, only battery-powered candles are allowed.

General Etiquette: Thanksgiving Point maintains an alcohol/smoke free environment.

Trash and Recycling: Please take everything home with you, including any large platforms, branches, supplies, etc. We encourage you to recycle usable arts materials and candles whenever possible.

Questions/Concerns: Can be directed to our Signature Experiences team at


We also would encourage you to approach your ofrenda design in a manner that will encourage community participation if possible. For many attendees, this event will be their first exposure to seeing ofrenda so the more inviting the better. Your ofrenda is your responsibility. Though we anticipate guests will respect the ofrendas, Thanksgiving Point is not responsible for any personal items that may be lost, stolen, or damaged during the event. We encourage you to stay with your ofrendas as much as possible during the event both to connect with visitors and share your memories and creation with them personally, but also to keep your possessions safe. If you are not able to stay with your ofrenda, we recommend you check in on your ofrenda throughout the night. Thanksgiving Point is not responsible for lost or damaged ofrenda items.


Día de Muertos is a unique and transformative community event and we are grateful for your collaboration and creativity. We thank you in advance for following these rules to ensure the success and sustainability of the event!


Submissions are now closed. We hope to see you at Dìa de Muertos!